Saturday, October 3, 2015
More Class Action Litigation for Gig Workers
We have recently seen a flurry of class-action litigation brought against workers in the modern economy. The recent case brought against Uber has continued to make headlines over the last few months. This aggregate litigation trend has now found its way to the on-demand food sector. As reported by the LA Times, class-action litigation was recently brought against GrubHub and DoorDash on the issue of worker misclassification for delivery drivers. The worker classification issue continues to be a messy one to sort out for workers in the modern economy (we attempt to do so here).
As co-blogger Sachin Pandya has done a wonderful job of pointing out in his recent posts, the employee/independent contractor question continues to generate differing opinions and viewpoints.
- Joe Seiner
Not unheard of for sure. And it's just about time for companies exploiting cheaper labour to be slapped with fines and negative PR.
That is the case in the world of contracted work in many places. England is a good example as well as far as I know. Low-end drivers and service maintenance workers are subjected to ruthless regulations, control, deadlines, guidelines and all sorts of quality requirements while not even being employed by the business who issues them work. The business acquires leads, turns some of them to customers and sends the jobs to contractors who, in turn, pay a given percentage as commission. EZ scheme.
At the end of the day, the business in question does least of the work, gets a big portion of the money. The contractor incurs all the expenses, does all the work and still has to pay a sizeable chunk away to the business. Contracted work is a huge part of the economy, though I would consider it somewhat of a fine line between legitimate and sort of a black market economy.
Posted by: Christabel London | Oct 7, 2015 2:29:08 AM