Monday, April 14, 2014

It's time for this year's edition of Workplace Prof Faculty moves.  Please let us know via the comment section what we missed.


Stephanie Bornstein from visiting at Hastings to a tenure-track position teaching employment law and employment discrimination law at the University of Florida. 

Veronica Root from visiting at Notre Dame to a tenure-track position there.

Promotions & Tenure

Rebecca Lee awarded tenure at Thomas Jefferson School of Law.

Nancy Leong  tenured at the  Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver

Joe Seiner promoted to Professor at South Carolina Law School


 Bill Corbett visiting at the University of Georgia spring semester 2015

Michael Waterstone visiting at Northwestern AY 2014-1015

Government Appointments

 Marty Malin reappointed to a 5 year term as a member of the Federal Service Impasses Panel.

Administrative Appointments

 Stephen Befort will again serve as Associate Dean for Research and Planning at the University of Minnesota Law School

Susan Bisom-Rapp was appointed to the Scientific Committee of the Marco Biagi Foundation at the University of  Modena and Reggio Emilia.  The committee is the academic advisory board of the Foundation.

Michelle Travis named Associate Dean for Faculty Scholarship at the University of San Francisco

Noah Zatz named Associate Director of UCLA’s Institute for Research on Labor & Employment


 Ed Render, who will be honored by having his named added to the Warns Institute to acknowledge all he contributed to the school, the community, and the Institute. 


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Here is another workplace faculty move:

Posted by: Michael Murphy | Apr 21, 2014 9:05:55 AM

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