Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Call for Papers for Third Annual ERISA, Employee Benefits, and Social Insurance National Conference

ConfI am happy to issue this invitation and call for papers for the Third Annual ERISA, Employee Benefits, and Social Insurance National Conference: Benefits Law at the Crossroads: Whither U.S. Employee Benefits and Social Insurance Law, a conference to be held on Friday, March 28, 2014, at Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee.

The conference is intended to provide an invited group of leading scholars and policy makers the opportunity to discuss current research and topics of interest involving employee benefit plans and social insurance.  You are welcome to participate either by presenting work in progress, moderating a panel, or simply by attending and participating in the discussion. The following are tentative topics to be discussed by separate panels:

Public Pensions, Bankruptcy and Federalism

Emerging Issues Surrounding Implementation of the Affordable Care Act

Theoretical Challenges to Current Retirement and Benefits Law Systems

Emerging ERISA Issues

Space on the program will also be provided for other benefits law-related topics that do not fit readily within any of the above descriptions.

If you are interested in attending the conference, I would greatly appreciate your indicating, as early as you can, the likelihood of your attendance.  Please email me at [email protected].  While of course your plans may change, this preliminary information, however tentative, will help us in planning and making the conference arrangements.

To propose inclusion of your work on the conference program, please submit an abstract of 200-300 words and an/or outline of up to 3 pages to me via email and indicate which panel(s) your proposal fits within.  As indicated in the attached call for papers, the deadline for submitting an abstract is September 20, 2013.  Those participants whose papers are accepted will be asked to commit to finishing their manuscripts by March 1, 2014, in time to permit distribution to and review by other participants by the March 28th conference.


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