Monday, April 9, 2012
Recently Published Scholarship
- Lawrence D. Rosenthal, Title VII's Unintended Beneficiaries: How Some White Supremacist Groups Will Be Able to Use Title VII to Gain Protection from Discrimination in the Workplace, 84 Temple L. Rev. 443 (2012).
- Joseph Seiner, Punitive Damages, Due Process, and Employment Discrimination, 97 Iowa L. Rev. 473 (2012).
- Joseph Seiner, Plausibility Beyond the Complaint, 53 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 987 (2012).
- Dodson D. Strawbridge, Thy Fiance Doth Protest Too Much: Third-Party Retaliation under Title VII after Thompson v. North American Stainless, LP, 63 Mercer L. Rev. 767 (2012).
- Frederick J. Melkey, Creating New Law or Restoring the Old? -- Retroactivity and the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008: A Comment on EEOC v. Autozone, 34 N.C. Central L. Rev. 1 (2011).
- Jeremy Gelms, High-Tech Harassment: Employer Liability under Title VII for Employee Social Media Misconduct, 87 Wash. L. Rev. 249 (2012).