Thursday, June 23, 2011

Fora on Wal-Mart Case?

Wm As Marcia pointed out Tuesday, there's been plenty of online commentary on the Wal-Mart v. Dukes case.  Deborah Weiss writes to ask if we know of any conferences, symposia, online events, etc. on the topic of the case.  I don't, but if you do, please add a comment to this post.  If your school's journal hasn't chosen a fall symposium topic, you might send a suggestion to the eic.


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The Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law will publish articles and essays from a working group on The Future of Systemic Disparate Treatment Theory in late fall. Noah Zatz and I put the the working group together in the spring, and we met as a group just before the oral argument in Dukes. Members of the working group include:

Richard Ford
Tristin Green (me)
Melissa Hart
Michael Selmi
Noah Zatz

ps - A draft of my paper, The Future of Systemic Disparate Treatment Law, and a paper by Mike Selmi, Theorizing Systemic Disparate Treatment Law, both in version written before the Supreme Court opinion in Dukes, are availabe now on ssrn and the BJELL site.

Posted by: Tristin Green | Jun 23, 2011 2:20:15 PM

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