Friday, September 24, 2010


Dean Dad posits:

  1. Student takes class with professor last year.
  2. After conclusion of class, student and professor have brief affair.
  3. Affair ends badly.
  4. Student signs up for another class with professor this year.
  5. Student demands an ‘A’ or threatens to reveal all.

Any advice for professor?


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Keep it in your pants?

Posted by: James Young | Sep 24, 2010 1:50:43 PM

Learn the value of sublimation.

Posted by: Patrick S. O'Donnell | Sep 24, 2010 4:06:54 PM

But to the point: articulate your refusal to succumb to an attempt at extortion and live with whatever consequences follow a public revelation of the affair (the fact that it took place after the class had ended is far less unseemly than had it occurred during the course; I've personally known of several cases of the latter sort, both from high school and at university). And then become intimately acquainted with what it means to sincerely express remorse in private and public fora in a manner which leaves intact your dignity and expresses your desire to aspire afresh to exemplifying personal integrity in your professional obligations and interpersonal relations.

Posted by: Patrick S. O'Donnell | Sep 25, 2010 5:03:32 PM

1. Determine if the college has a policy against prof-student relations outside of the classroom (usually when the student is no longer a student of that prof ) or, if there is a policy, what it encompasses. 2. Determine if the affair otherwise violated a policy 3. Distinguish between conduct that gets the prof fired and conduct that is humiliating if disclosed 4. If there is legal liability or a policy violation, and the prof doesn't have a lawyer already, get one 5. if not, follow Patrick's advice above and thank your lucky stars you still have a job.

Posted by: Jeff Boxer | Sep 26, 2010 9:19:17 AM

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