Friday, August 28, 2009

Bathroom Breaks No Joke

Bathroom_break-300x225 Just ask the Littler Mendlesohn law firm who is now facing a lawsuit by a former receptionist (via ABA Journal via Above The Law):

A former receptionist in a suburban Washington, D.C., office of a national labor and employment boutique has sued her ex-employer over an alleged lack of bathroom breaks.

Plaintiff Rebecca Landrith contends in the D.C. Superior Court suit that the McLean, Va., office of Littler Mendelson had no formal policy or procedure about her bathroom breaks. It was so difficult to find someone to substitute for her while she took a break there, she alleges, that she twice "wet her pants" at the reception desk, reports the Washington Business Journal.

Two weeks after she complained about the lack of bathroom breaks to the firm's general counsel, she was fired, the suit contends.

Of course, these are only allegations, but all I can say is that I have worked at a number of law firms with labor and employment departments, and some of the crazy stuff that happens is just, well, crazy.

I also wonder what type of person would wet her pants twice rather than leave her work station. If there was no policy of bathroom breaks wouldn't the natural thing to do would be to use the bathroom when you had to? I am all for dedicated employees, but there are limits, you know.

Finally, I wonder who Littler uses for their labor and employment law work? Morgan Lewis?


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Here's why the plaintiff wet herself twice. From the article:

“Impromptu requests” for cover by other employees — like attorneys — elicited mostly resentment and condescension, she alleges.

On two separate occasions, Landrith claims, she had to “wet her pants” at the reception desk because nobody would, well, relieve her.

Posted by: Eugene Lee | Aug 29, 2009 8:44:40 AM

We had a staff meeting at our Florida State Agency and were told that we could only leave our desks for 15 minutes AM or PM. If we have to use the bathroom at another time, we need to get coverage. If not, it can be consideredi insubordinatino.

Posted by: Jennifer Drozd | Sep 28, 2009 3:53:03 PM

What if you work alone in a c-store for an 8 hour shift? I don't get a bathroom break? How does that work?

Posted by: April Ellis | Aug 13, 2012 8:31:51 AM

Wat about stuck on these blocks for miles landscaping?

Posted by: Travis Hinton | Jul 23, 2013 5:19:01 PM

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