Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Specter To Become A Democrat
Arlen Specter has just announced that he will switch to the Democratic party. No doubt motivated by yet another conservative primary challenge, this switch has huge implications for labor and employment law. The first question is whether Specter will switch back to supporting EFCA [hat tip to a reader who sent a link suggesting that he won't]. Even if he doesn't, many other labor and employment bills could benefit from a Democratic filibuster-proof majority (which would exist if Franken is seated). Moreover, the federal bench could look significantly different, which has an obvious impact on litigation.
It appears Specter is maintaining that his position on EFCA will not change -- see http://theplumline.whorunsgov.com/labor/specter-my-position-on-employee-free-choice-will-not-change/
On the other hand, he's far more likely to be courting labor as the compromise bill is discussed and, indeed, he could be just saving face here and end up supporting much more than half a loaf for labor. I think this is a big plus for labor even with this statement, given that EFCA was dead in the water this morning.
Posted by: King | Apr 28, 2009 9:54:24 AM