Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Motion to Dismiss in LaRue ERISA Case Denied

4united_states_supreme_court_1129_2 The United States Supreme Court will be hearing the LaRue ERISA case after all.  SCOTUSblog reports today:

In another order Tuesday, the Court denied a motion to dismiss a previously granted case -- LaRue v. DeWolff, Boberg & Associates (06-856). The case involves the right of a pension plan participant to sue the plan manager to recover losses that worker suffered in a pension account. The motion to dismiss claimed that the individual involved had cashed-out his account, so there remained no live issue.

As I and ten other law professors argued, along with petitioner, there is still standing because there would have been more money to cash out if there had not been a breach of fiduciary in the first place.  Nice to be on the right side of an issue once in a while!



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» Reinsurance and LaRue, All in the Same Post from Boston ERISA Law Blog
Instead of posting twice in the same morning, I am going to try to address two distinct substantive issues, one involving reinsurance and the other ERISA, all in the same post, hopefully without turning this post into some sort of... [Read More]

Tracked on Sep 26, 2007 8:27:02 AM


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