Friday, June 29, 2007

Merit Pay for Law Firm Associates

Header_logo_2 WSJ.COM, via Brian Leiter, reports that the international law firm of Howrey LLP is ditching lockstep compensation for its associates in favor of merit pay:

While associates will start at the market rate, their salary will them be determined by their perfomance rather than seniority, says the article.  Stars will be paid higher than market; slackers could make less.  One factor in an associate’s performance will be hours billed, . . . but it will be one factor of several.


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«One factor in an associate’s performance will be hours billed, . . . but it will be one factor of several» Typical lawyerly obfuscation -- what matters is the weighting of the factor.If there are one hundred factors, «hours billed» may account for 95% of the weighting (as it is most likely, the main purpose of law firms is to make the senior partners wealthy).

Posted by: Blissex | Jun 30, 2007 5:19:25 AM

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