Friday, August 30, 2019
CFP: AALS Annual Meeting (Section on Defamation and Privacy Law)
The Association of American Law Schools' Section on Defamation and Privacy welcomes submissions on any topic relating to social media, free speech, and content moderation, including recent proposals to reform platform immunity under Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act, calls for transparency as to online censorship by platforms, concerns about hindering innovation, or other issues surrounding social media and free speech.
Please email submissions to Agnieszka McPeak, [email protected], by Friday, September 13th. Include your name, institution, and a copy of your work with your email. While submissions have no length requirements, full drafts may be given preference over abstracts or outlines. The author(s) of the paper chosen from this Call for Papers will be invited to participate on the AALS Defamation & Privacy Law panel taking place in Washington, D.C. at the AALS Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 2nd from 3:30-5:15pm (this panel is co-sponsored by the Sections on Internet & Computer Law and Communication, Information, & Media Law). Selections will be announced no later than September 27th.
August 30, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Golden Gate is Hiring
Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco is looking for an Associate Director of Bar Performance & Assessment and an Associate Director of Academic Achievement – both are full-time, staff positions. At GGU, academic support (managed by Reichi Lee) and bar services (managed by Rana Boujaoude) are separate programs that work closely together.
Hat tip to Fiona L. McKenna
August 22, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Saturday, August 17, 2019
San Francisco is Hiring
The University of San Francisco School of Law has an opening for an Assistant Director of its Academic and Bar Exam Success Program for the 2019-2020 academic year. Contact Director Jonathan Chu at [email protected] or Associate Dean Tristin Green at [email protected] for more information.
August 17, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, August 16, 2019
UIC John Marshall Law School
The John Marshall Law School of Chicago merged yesterday with the University of Illinois at Chicago. The new name of the institution is UIC John Marshall Law School. The institution is the first (and obviously only) public law school in Chicago.
And although the law school itself did not move, the law school updated its address from 315 S. Plymouth Court to 300 S. State Street. The city and zip code remain the same: Chicago, IL 60604
August 16, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Saturday, August 10, 2019
New Dean at the University of Lucerne Faculty of Law
As of August 1, 2019, the new Dean at University of Lucerne (Luzern) Faculty of Law in Switzerland is Prof. Dr. Andreas Eicker. He replaces Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rütsche, who finished his term as Dean.
For those of you who read German, here is his bio:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Eicker hat Rechtswissenschaften mit strafrechtlicher Schwerpunktausbildung an der Universität Bremen studiert. In seiner Dissertation zum Thema "Transstaatliche Strafverfolgung" befasste er sich mit der Europäisierung, Internationalisierung und Fortentwicklung des Grundsatzes ne bis in idem und promovierte damit an der Universität St. Gallen. Er habilitierte sich 2009 an der Universität Bern mit einer Arbeit zur "Prozeduralisierung des Strafrechts". In seiner Habilitationsschrift behandelt er Fragen eines Paradigmenwechsels in der Steuerungsarchitektur des materiellen Strafrechts.
Vor seiner Berufung an die Universität Luzern war Andreas Eicker Vertreter des Lehrstuhls für Strafrecht an der Universität St. Gallen und Assistenzprofessor am Institut für Strafrecht und Kriminologie (ISK) der Universität Bern. Zudem war er dort als Dozent an der School of Criminology, International Criminal Law and Psychology of Law (SCIP) tätig. Bevor Andreas Eicker seinen wissenschaftlichen Werdegang in der Schweiz mit einer Assistenztätigkeit an der Universität St. Gallen begann, war er Mitarbeiter in Lehre und Forschung an der Universität Bremen. Dort realisierte er insbesondere ein Forschungsprojekt zur Untersuchung der Lebenswirklichkeit im Strafvollzug, wofür er von der Körber-Stiftung (Hamburg) ausgezeichnet wurde. Ausserdem war er Rechtsreferendar bei der Staatsanwaltschaft und dem Landgericht Oldenburg. Weitere Stationen führten ihn ans Bundesverfassungsgericht und an die deutsche Botschaft in der Türkei.
August 10, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)