Friday, July 26, 2013
UN Campaign to Raise Awareness of LGBT Equality: Free and Equal
With consensual, same-sex
conduct a criminal offence in more than one-third of the world’s
countries, the United Nations human rights office today launched its
first global public education campaign to raise awareness and respect
for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality.
‘Free & Equal,’ a year-long effort by the Office of the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and partners launched today in
Cape Town, South Africa, focuses on the need for both legal reforms and
public education to counter homophobia and transphobia.
Calling it an “unprecedented” initiative, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon commended the campaign’s core messages: human rights are universal and we can change attitudes for the better. “The Secretary-General has consistently called on world leaders to
address violence against LGBT members of our human family,” his
spokesperson said in a statement, adding that Mr. Ban is personally
committed to championing this cause.
More than 76 countries criminalize consensual same-sex relationships,
according to a 2011 OHCHR report on violence and discrimination against
LGBT people. Penalties range from jail sentences to execution.
Meanwhile, in many more countries discrimination in the workforce,
education, health sectors and other areas of society is widespread, the
UN reported.
Unveiling the new campaign, High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi
Pillay stressed that such discrimination – sometimes leading to physical
assault, sexual violence and targeted killings – is a violation of
basic human rights.
“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights promises a world in which
everyone is born free and equal in dignity and rights – no exceptions,
no one left behind. Yet it’s still a hollow promise for many millions of
LGBT people forced to confront hatred, intolerance, violence and
discrimination on a daily basis.”
Speaking alongside Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and Justice Edwin
Cameron of the South African Constitutional Court, Ms. Pillay added
that changing attitudes is never easy but it is possible. “It begins
with often difficult conversations. With this campaign, we want to help
start millions of conversations among people around the world and across
the ideological spectrum.”
Also at the launch, a statement of support for the campaign was read out
on behalf of renowned South African singer Yvonne Chaka Chaka, who is
also a UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Roll Back Malaria Goodwill
A number of other celebrities have pledged their support for the Free
& Equal campaign by spreading campaign messages and materials via
social media, including pop star Ricky Martin, Bollywood actress Celina
Jaitly and Brazilian singer Daniela Mercury.
Over the next 12 months, the Free & Equal campaign will also release
a variety of multimedia content, along the lines of “The Story of a
Mother from Brazil,” the first in a series of filmed interviews with
family members of LGBT people around the world, and “The Riddle,” a
video by OHCHR for the International Day against Homophobia and
Transphobia which asks: What exists in every corner of the world but
remains illegal in more than 70 countries? The answer: Being gay, being
lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
The International Day, while not an officially observed UN day, was
marked by the world body on 17 May, and included a call on Governments
worldwide to protect the rights of LGBT individuals, and strike down
laws that discriminate against them.
In 2011, 85 States signed a statement expressing their concern at human
rights violations perpetrated against LGBT people, and the UN Human
Rights Council adopted the first ever resolution to specifically address
the issue.
Last year, OHCHR produced a guide to LGBT rights entitled ‘Born Free and Equal’ that sets out States’ core legal obligations.
(UN press release)(mew)