Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Call for Papers: Collective Redress in the Cross-Border Context: Arbitration, Litigation, Settlement and Beyond

The Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HiiL), along with the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), are convening a two-day event on the theme, “Collective Redress in the Cross-Border Context:  Arbitration, Litigation, Settlement and Beyond.”  The event is intended to address issues relating appropriate means of providing collective redress, particularly in the cross-border context, for large-scale international legal injuries that may arise in the context of consumer, commercial, contract, tort or securities law.

The event includes two different elements – a workshop on June 21-22, 2012, comprised of invited speakers from all over the world as well as a works-in-progress conference on June 20-21, 2012, designed to allow practitioners and scholars who are interested in the area of collective redress to discuss their work and ideas in the company of other experts in the field. 

Persons interested in being considered as presenters for the works-in-progress conference should submit an abstract of no more than 500 words to the organizer, Professor S.I. Strong, the Henry G. Schermers Fellow for 2012, of the University of Missouri School of Law, on or before May 1, 2012.  Decisions regarding accepted proposals will be made in early May, and those whose proposals are accepted for the works-in-progress conference will need to submit a draft paper by June 4, 2012, for discussion at the conference.  All works-in-progress submissions should explore one or more of the various means of resolving collective injuries, including class and collective arbitration, mass arbitration and mass claims processes, class and collective litigation, and large-scale settlement and mediation, preferably in a cross-border context.  Junior scholars in particular are encouraged to submit proposals for consideration. 

Persons presenting at the works-in-progress conference will have to bear their own costs, since there is no funding available to assist with travel and other expenses.  The works-in-progress conference will be held on June 20 and 21, 2012, at NIAS, Meijboomlaan 1, 2242 PR Wassenaar, The Netherlands.  Wassenaar is approximately 20 minutes from The Hague by car.  The workshop of invited speakers will be held on June 21 and 22, 2012, also at NIAS.

Both the Schermers workshop and the works-in-progress conference are open to the public, although advance registration is required.  For contact information and other details, click here.



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