Wednesday, January 25, 2012
WTO Establishes Three New Dispute Resolution Panels
At its meeting last week, the World Trade Organization (WTO) Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) conducted a variety of important business, including the establishment of three new dispute resolution panels as follows:
In DS425, the European Union (EU) requested review of anti-dumping duties imposed by China on EU X-ray scanners.
In DS426, the EU also requested review of measures applied by Canada in its renewable energy sector called the "feed-in tariff" program.
In DS427, The United States (US) requested review of China’s anti-dumping and countervailing measures on US chicken broiler products.
At its meeting, the WTO DSB also adopted the panel and Appellate Body reports which found that the Philippines’ tax regime on distilled spirits violated WTO rules.
In other business, the DSB chair, Ambassador Elin Østebø Johansen (Norway), informed WTO members that Appellate Body (AB) judge Shotaro Oshima had expressed his intention to resign from his position. Mr Oshima’s resignation will take effect 90 days from the date of his resignation letter such that there would be a vacancy in the AB as of 6 April 2012. Ambassador Johansen said she would submit a proposal at the DSB meeting on 22 February 2012 to launch the selection process for a new AB judge so that the DSB would take a final decision on 24 May 2012.