Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Comparative International Law Conference in December 2011 in Egypt

ASIL - 80 Percent Egypt The American Society of International Law and the American University Cairo are co-sponsoring a Comparative International Law Conference in Cairo, Egypt in December 2011.  The conference planners hope to attract scholars and jurists from all over the world, including in particular participants from the Middle East and North Africa.  Plenary sessions will be planned on public international law, international human rights, international criminal law and transitional justice, and international economic law.  The call for papers will be issued in March.  In the meantime, save the dates:  December 16-17, 2011.  

Contact Professor Adrien K. Wing (University of Iowa College of Law) for more information about the conference.

Hat tip to conference organizers Andrien Wing and Chantal Thomas


UPDATE:  This conference was announced before the change of government in Egypt.  We don not know whether the conference is being held or postponed.

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When the date for submission of the comments is being announced and uploaded on the website? I am a Law Officer in a Government Organization, Pakistan; and want to attend the conference.

Posted by: Aqeel Ahmed | Apr 22, 2011 12:43:01 AM

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