Monday, January 25, 2010
Humanitarian Parole for Haitians
Aaron Zelinsky and Jeffrey Kahn argue that the U.S. should extend humanitarian parole to Haitians in need of medical treatment in the U.S. Here's an excerpt from their article:
Earthquake victims should not die when life-saving resources are available a few hours away. DHS should use the humanitarian parole framework and open the door to life-saving treatment for seriously wounded earthquake survivors.
The recovery effort in Haiti is far from over. Enormous humanitarian challenges lie ahead. Ensuring access to food, water, sanitation, and security in Haiti is a monumental undertaking. However, for the most seriously injured, this may not be enough. They will need medical assistance that only U.S. hospitals are ready and willing to provide.
President Obama should cut through the red tape and dispatch a Citizenship and Immigration Services team to Haiti to help extend humanitarian parole to Haitians so that they can get the medical care they desperately need.
Click here to read their full article on the Huffington Post.