Thursday, July 25, 2024
California Attorney General Kamala Harris and the Sergio Garcia Case
There has been lots of talk of the immigration record of Kamala Harris, who appears to have locked up the Democratic presidential nomination. There is a matter that has not made the news. As California Attorney General, Harris submitted an amicus curiae brief in support of the admission to the state bar of an undocumented immigrant.
In a 2014 decision, the California Supreme Court granted a motion filed by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California to admit Sergio C. Garcia, an undocumented immigrant, to the California State Bar. Garcia thus was given a license to practice law in California. The court’s 2014 decision was unanimous and was authored by Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye. It was the first state high court decision allowing an undocumented immigrant to be licensed to practice law.
I was one of the attorneys that represented the California State Bar, which supported Garcia's admission. As mentioned above, Attorney General Harris submitted an amicus curiae brief supporting admission. In my estimation, Attorney General Harris's support made a difference in the case and helped lead to a unanimous California Supreme Court decision.
Sergio Garcia, who was later granted a visa and naturalized to become a U.S. citizen, practices law as a sole practitioner in the rural Northern California town where he has spent most of his life.
UPDATE (July 29): Jonathan Blitzer for the New Yorker scrutinizes in detail Kamala Harris's immigration record.
You should keep that kind of information to yourself if you want Harris to be our next president. It supports the Republican view that she is a California liberal who isn't going to enforce immigration laws.
Posted by: nolan rappaport | Jul 25, 2024 1:41:43 PM