Monday, June 10, 2024
Issues to Consider for Immigrant Clients in Criminal Court
CUNY’s Immigrant & Non-Citizen Rights Clinic and the Immigrant Defense Project are excited to announce a new resource for noncitizen clients who face pending charges in criminal courts. The resource is currently available in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole. Mandarin is forthcoming.
The resource was written for community members to provide information for noncitizens about their right to advice about the immigration consequences of any plea deal or other outcome in criminal court under Padilla v. Kentucky, the possible risk of a detainer or arrest by ICE connected to the criminal case, and issues for noncitizens to consider when traveling abroad and filing immigration applications during an open criminal case. This resource is also intended for criminal defense attorneys and immigration advocates to give to noncitizen clients.
While some information in the resource is New York-specific, much of the information is applicable to noncitizen clients nationwide.