Friday, October 27, 2023
From The Bookshelves: Mi muerte a través de la frontera by Adonay Milla
In his debut book Mi muerte a través de la frontera , author Adonay Milla describes the dangerous journey he made from Honduras to the United States when he was a teenager, his struggles living in New York and fighting for status, and the central role Safe Passage Project played in his life.
For those who speak Spanish, here's the official blurb:
En el mundo vas a encontrar gente mala y gente buena con diversas historias, que harán cambiar algo de nosotros día con día, que nos ayudarán a ser mejores personas. Sigue luchando por tus metas, sin importar lo lastimado que estés, no pierdas tu tiempo pensando en el pasado que ya pasó. El pasado no se puede cambiar, pero si lo puedes usar a tu favor. Crea tu propia oportunidad, no dejes que los demás te lleven por caminos equivocados y te hagan perder tus sueños.
For those who don't speak Spanish, Milla will soon be publishing an English-language version of the work: My Death Across the Border.
Safe Passage is hosting a live virtual interview with Milla on Novemer 8th at 1pm (Eastern) to discuss Adonay’s life, why he decided to write his book, and launch a seven-part newsletter series narrating Adonay’s journey in his own words.
To register, click here.