Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Citizenship Angle of the Ghislaine Maxwell Sex Trafficking Case


The big news yesterday was that a federal jury in New York convicted Ghislaine Maxwell, a socialite charged with sex trafficking and aiding Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual abuse.  Maxwell was found guilty of sex trafficking of a minor, transporting a minor with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity and three related counts of conspiracy.  She was acquitted on the charge of enticing a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts.

News reports suggest that Maxwell, who has lived in the United States for many years, has U.S., French, and British citizenship.  In an attempt to obtain bail and release from custody pending her trial, she offered to renounce her UK and French citizenship. The offer was one of many attempts by Maxwell’s lawyers to secure bail for her. “If the court deems it a necessary condition of release, Ms Maxwell will formally commence the procedure to renounce her foreign citizenship,” her lawyers wrote in a court motion.  Renunciation of her British and French citizenship, according to Maxwell’s lawyers, “should satisfy any concerns the court may have that Ms Maxwell may try to seek a safe haven in France or the United Kingdom.”  Prosecutors opposed the bail request, which the court denied.


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Today Ms. Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years, but we are still in the dark ages when it comes to holding people accountable for sex trafficking children. It is my hope that this changes.

My own children are beng sex trafficked by my former attorney, Valerie Houghton. She let my 13 year old son get molested so that she could get $80,000 of assets placed into trust. The other children were also showing significant signs of being sexually abused, but I cannot confirm it because I have not seen them in 8 years.

When I tried to protect my kids, Ms. Houghton had me hacked, stalked, and assaulted. She also said, "It's not rape if they want it."

No one will do anything to protect my kids because she is well connected.

All the details are here.

If there is someone that can help me, please let me know.

Posted by: Ben Z. | Jun 28, 2022 4:52:15 PM

Allegedly, Maxwell and Epstein were not only sexually abusing the children. They were also blackmailing the men who were having sex with the children.

Ms. Houghton, my former attorney, will always look to maximize her profits. The good parent pays to see the children until they turn 18, while the sexually abusive parent pays to stay out of jail. It's easy money. Why would she ever give up that cash flow?

Posted by: ff | Jul 26, 2022 1:40:56 PM

What Ms. Maxwell did to these young girls was terrible. She was a selfish being who only cared about her short term pleasure. The reality is that the suffering of her victims was more significant and long term.

It is a sign of narcissism. People are disposable to her. Others are only meant to serve her.

Imagine a therapist acting in such a fashion. What good could they possibly be for anyone else? This isn't just a hypothetical. Valerie Houghton (who is both an attorney and therapist) sells children for sex. I believe that she is much the same as Ms. Maxwell in terms of personality and motivation.

Houghton has sex trafficked my own kids. She just didn't care about them. Only her interests were important.

Posted by: Mike Ronnet | Sep 17, 2022 10:23:38 AM

She should not be able to sex traffic children again.

Posted by: B.z. | May 30, 2024 12:02:44 PM

Although I am glad that the Maxwell matter has been adjudicated, there are still many other young girls who are being sex trafficked. Sometimes it occurs within the context of a legal proceedings. I have even see child sexual abusers get custody of girls with whom they share no biological relation. I believe that this is done to legitimize pedophilia. In Afghanistan, they do the same with child brides and "dancing boys" Maybe Maxwell should just be deported after she serves her sentence. This way maybe we could double down on the opinion that what she did was wrong. It could send a message to all the attorneys and therapists who are sex trafficking children through the legal system. I have found this website informative about what is happening in the courts.

Posted by: James | May 31, 2024 1:28:07 PM

I agree with the above poster. Ms. Maxwell deserves to get deported. But more importantly we should not draw a distinction between her conduct and what goes on in Family Court. I read the webpage associated with the link the above post. And I cannot find a distinction. This court case is cited in the aforementioned link. If any reader thinks that it is different, I would love to hear your reasoning.

Posted by: Fran | Jun 3, 2024 5:11:10 PM

Ghislaine Maxwell should not only be deported, but she should also be designated as a sex offender. I didn’t see that in sentencing. The same designation should be given to other example cited in the above posts involving Family Law Lawyer Valerie Houghton. They both did the same things to innocent children. I don’t understand why there is a double standard. If it were a man, the courts would not hesitate to include the sex offender status in sentencing. The goal should always be to protect the community. We need to start recognizing that women like Houghton and Maxwell damage children to the same extent as their male counterparts.

Posted by: Sandy | Jun 12, 2024 1:55:33 PM

Maxwell should definitely be deported. She was defiant until the end, denying that she even committed a crime. There was absolutely no remorse from her during sentencing. This would likely indicate that she will reoffend once released. There is more here showing that most all sex offenders deny that what they did was wrong. The trend of denying is quite alarming. If someone tells you that you have harmed them, then you should listen and change. I also read some of the above posts. It is true that the family court offenders (like Valerie Houghton) are no different. They purposefully place children in situations where they will be sexually abused. I don't understand how anyone can deny that this is a crime of that it is part of "gender identify." Those lawyers and therapists have the same attitudes towards abusing children as did Maxwell. I hope that we can start moving this conversation towards other contexts in which sex trafficking occurs.

Posted by: very concerned | Jun 20, 2024 11:43:07 AM

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