Monday, August 24, 2020

The Border Patrol Considered Accepting a Donation From We Build the Wall: Leaked documents undermine the Trump administration’s attempts to distance itself following the arrest of Steve Bannon.

It has been a rough week for Trump Associates, with Steve Bannon charged with fraud in raising funds for a private U.S./Mexico border wall.  President Trump (see the video above) distanced himself from his former advisor and confidant.  Ken Klippenstein for The Nation suggests that the story is a bit more complex: 

"Customs and Border Protection (CBP) leadership met with representatives of We Build the Wall to consider their offer of donating the privately constructed wall to the US government. CBP described it as `an overall positive meet and greet' and even provided the group with guidance on how to gift their wall to CBP, according to an internal CBP memo obtained exclusively by The Nation.

On November 26—five days after the date on the document—We Build the Wall issued a press release announcing that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) chief Chad Wolf had endorsed the project, purportedly calling it a `game-changer.' After the indictments, however, Wolf told CNN that he never endorsed the effort." (bold added).

One can only wonder how much more we will learn later about the Trump administration's dealings.

Click the link above for more details.

The We Build the Wall website still appears to be up. This post is on the home page:

Brian Kolfage
on Friday

The witch hunt is on! I'm not going to be bullied into being a political prisoner for my beliefs. I have fought hard for these freedoms and the SDNY is on a all out assault to take down every Trump insider from the 2016 election, that means Bannon. They will ruin innocent peoples lives in order to have a war trophy pinned to the wall just before elections.


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