Monday, July 20, 2020

Welcome, Professor Ingrid V. Eagly, to the ImmigrationProf Blog!


We are pleased to announce that Ingrid V. Eagly,  professor of law at the University of California, Los Angeles, is joining ImmigrationProf Blog as co-editor!

Ingrid teaches and writes about immigration law, criminal law, evidence, and public interest lawyering.

I, for one, have been a fangirl of Ingrid's for years. I've been amazed by the depth of her empirical studies -- check out, for example her work on immigration prosecution in Arizona before SB 1070 and her work on immigrant protective policies in criminal justice. With each new article, I've been armed with more figures and charts and data to pepper my own lectures. I crib mercilessly.

Welcome, Ingrid! We're thrilled to have you.


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Welcome to the conversation, Ingrid!

Posted by: Ming Hsu Chen | Jul 20, 2020 9:12:03 PM

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