Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Goal Click Refugees
Goal Click Refugees is a worldwide storytelling project that documents the "experiences of refugees and asylum-seekers across the globe through the lens of football." Participants receive disposable cameras, which they use to chronicle their lives.
The series includes photos from such far flung locales as the US, UK, Jordan, Australia, and Kenya.
The subject of the photo to the right is Maram in the Zaatari camp of Jordan, who writes: "Because I am a girl, I can be the person that changes how the community perceives girls’ football and breaks the wall of shame.”
The project also introduced me to Rooklyn International Football Association, which serves "asylee, immigrant and refugee youth in NYC through soccer instruction." Love.
To see the entire series, follow the link above. Or, on twitter, check out #GoalClickRefugees.