Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Trump Administration Is Proposing To Become One Of Just Four Countries In The World To Charge A Fee For Asylum

Hamed Aleaziz on Buzzfeed reports that the Trump administration has proposed new fees for asylum-seekers and immigrants hoping to stay in the US, aiming to become one of just four countries in the world to charge for an asylum application:  "Under the proposal, a new $50 fee would be imposed on asylum applications, citizenship applications would see a $500 price hike, and a new fee would be added for certain immigrants who entered the US as children to renew protections."  The story states that "The US has never before charged for asylum and . . . the proposal . . . would make the country one of only four in the world to do so, joining Iran, Fiji, and Australia." 

The fee increases, which were first reported by BuzzFeed News, are included in a proposed rule set to be formally published in the Federal Register next week.


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