Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Former Department of Homeland Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Explains Resignation
Former Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen speaks at the Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit.
CNN reports that former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen yesterady said she left office because "saying no" and refusing to do things that others in the administration wanted was "not going to be enough." "There were a lot of things that, there were those in the administration who thought that we should do, and just as I spoke truth to power from the very beginning, it became clear that saying no, and refusing to do it myself was not going to be enough, so it was time for me to offer my resignation," she said at FORTUNE Most Powerful Women Summit.
Nielsen was questioned on the family separation policy.
It is noteworthy that Kirstjen Nielsen's justification for applying the law on family separation is the same defence argument Adolf Eichmann used during his trial to justify his having committed crimes against humanity!
Posted by: Ricardo Cerdan | Oct 24, 2019 4:21:20 AM