Thursday, July 19, 2018
Report finds more than 800 complaints of hate-related abuse in immigration detention
“Shut your black ass up. You don’t deserve nothing. You belong at the back of that cage.” - Warden to M.C. at the West Texas Detention Facility in Sierra Blanca, TX
“[Go] look in the mirror to see King Kong.” - Officer to A.B. at Bristol County House of Corrections, North Dartmouth, MA
“No one will believe baboon complaints.” - Officer to A.B. at Bristol County House of Corrections, North Dartmouth, MA
These are a few of the comments discussed in a report published by Freedom for Immigrants, a California-based nonprofit that visits people held in immigration detention. The report documents more than 800 hate-related incidents in immigration detention since President Donald Trump took office. The report describes hate incidents related to race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability. Kate Morrissey discusses the report in this article in the Los Angeles Times.