Friday, May 10, 2013

Adios Jason Richwine (Formerly) of the Heritage Foundation: Author of Immigration Report Quits

Neil King Jr. and Sara Murray of the Wall Street Journal report that the co-author of a controversial immigration report issued this week by the Heritage Foundation has left the conservative think tank. Jason Richwine, who was a senior policy analyst at Heritage, has resigned.  Richwine co-authored the report, which estimated the cost to taxpayers of legalizing 11 million undocumented immigrants.  The  report stirred controversy. Richwine drew fire for work he had done studying relative IQs of different immigrant groups. "In his Harvard University dissertation, he argued that persistent differences between immigrants’ IQs and those of white Americans should be a factor in determining who should be allowed to permanently come to the U.S."  Click here to see the full dissertation, which was accepted by a committee headed by Professor George Borjas, a Latino whose work is often cited by opponents of immigration reform, click here.



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