Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Man Behind the "Running Immigrants": John Hood

SpickardEver wonder who created the now-iconic image of immigrants running acrossing the freeway that on California traffic signs near the U.S./Mexico border?  John Hood, a Navajo and Vietnam vet, has created many works in his job as a Caltrans graphic artist. His most famous: the picture of an immigrant family running.  For more about Hood and his work, click here for the L.A. Times story.


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Here's a suggestion for John. How about traffic signs posted in the great Southwest depicting inebriated illegal aliens driving through intersectins with stop signs without stopping. Maybe they'd be good reminders to citizens to slow down and have situational awareness?

Posted by: Horace | Apr 10, 2008 4:53:11 PM

Horace, your comment is offensive. I know that responding to anti-migrant trolls is a waste of energy, yet for some reason I can’t help myself. Your comment embodies the hateful simplistic attitude that makes migrant/human rights activism so exhausting. I am just so sick of the seemingly ceaseless spew of bitter scapegoating, dehumanization and conspiracy theories from the anti-migrant crowd. Sigh.

Posted by: Richard | Apr 11, 2008 2:25:13 PM

Richard, it may be offensive, but it has far more truth than the deceptive studies commonly cited in this blog. It is a fact that DWIs by illegal aliens are killing citizens of this country every day, yet these bloggers accept it as collateral damage to their agenda for open borders. These are needless killings, because if we had control of our borders or deported these people, these drunkards wouldn't be driving our streets. To me, that is far more offensive than anything I've ever said. You apologist advocates who care more for invading foreigners are disgusting.

Posted by: Horace | Apr 11, 2008 7:31:20 PM

I totally agree that we need to do everything in our power to protect innocent citizens from drunk drivers. If we are to be balanced in treating this problem, that would mean we should deport all the white people too. After all, we whites are responsible for 60% of all DWI arrests. And I would venture to say a good majority of white families originally came here illegally at some point in our lineage. To be fair, we should probably give this country back to the native Americans and Mexicans from whom we stole it.

Posted by: drabarb | Apr 14, 2008 7:46:30 AM

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