Friday, May 11, 2007
A Delay in the Senate Debate Over Immigration Reform?
As has been well-publicized, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has announced his plans to begin Senate discussion the immigration reform bill passed by the Senate last year. On May 9, Senators McCain, Graham, Specter, and Martinez in a letter requested that Reid delay the discussion while they try to hammer out a compromise on comprehensive immigration reform. Here is their letter to Majority Leader Reid. Download 050907_immigration_letter_to_senator_reid.pdf
A D.C. source tells me that the Republicans didn’t just ask Reid to delay the debate, they’ve actually threatened to filibuster and refuse to let the debate go forward. "Second, they’ve actually lined up supporters and sponsors of last year’s bill (like Martinez for example) to say that they will vote AGAINST their own legislation. In other words, they were for it, before they were against."
For blog discussions of this latest immigration reform turn-of-events, click here and here.