Wednesday, July 4, 2018
So, you have a day off and want to get a jump on your fall term obligations. Actually, we hope you spend the day relaxing with family and friends, but just in case, we have a tip for you! Edward Elgar Publishers (no relation to the British composer, we think), is growing their Research Handbooks in Human Rights series. Two Handbooks are already available -- on HR and the Environment, and HR and Humanitarian Law. More are in the works, and the publisher is soliciting ideas for additional volumes. A description of the series is below, and here is a link for more information. As you prepare for the coming fall term, this forward-looking series is a great resource for HR teaching and new research.
Here's the publisher's description:
Elgar Research Handbooks are original reference works designed to provide a broad overview of research in a given field while at the same time creating a forum for more challenging, critical examination of complex and often under-explored issues within that field. Chapters by international teams of contributors are specially commissioned by editors who carefully balance breadth and depth. Often widely cited, individual chapters present expert scholarly analysis and offer a vital reference point for advanced research. Taken as a whole they achieve a wide-ranging picture of the state-of-the-art. Making a major scholarly contribution to the field of human rights, the volumes in this series explore topics of current concern from a range of jurisdictions and perspectives, offering a comprehensive analysis of current research. When relevant the Handbooks include interdisciplinary work in order to shed light on the intersection of human rights with other fields. Edited by leading scholars, each volume offers far-reaching explorations of current issues in human rights that are unrivaled in their blend of critical, substantive analysis, and in their synthesis of contemporary research. Each Handbook stands alone as an invaluable source of reference for students, scholars and practicing lawyers. Whether used as an information resource on key topics or as a platform for advanced study, volumes in this series will become definitive scholarly reference works on the law of human rights.
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Also keep an eye out for the forthcoming Research Agendas for Human Rights edited by Michael Stohl and Alison Brysk at University of California, Santa Barbara to be published in early 2020.
Posted by: Jonathan Crock | Jul 9, 2018 5:11:34 AM