Sunday, September 18, 2016
Mainstream Media Might Elect President Trump
I do not recall a presidential campaign where news coverage of the candidates was so lopsided. Donald Trump would be trailing Hillary Clinton by quite a bit except for the publicity he has been provided at the expense of a campaign that actually focuses on issues. Thanks to reality tv and exploitative, rather than balanced, journalism, the "soundbite" method of reporting has been an advantage to Mr. Trump. Bullies are ready producers of soundbites. More respectful folks are not. The nation now believes that Mr. Trump has just about an equal chance of being elected president, largely a media creation. The media kept Donald Trump in the spotlight for years with his false "birther" claims. The media knew these claims were ridiculous but supported the offensive and racist theory by providing coverage any time that Mr. Trump yelled "birther". If anyone else had made such a claim, it is doubtful the Times would have printed the story. But because a rich bully said it, media printed the defamatory allegations over and over, thus providing another distraction from President's Obama's number one task of governing.
The lopsided coverage continues.
Take for example, today's poll as reported by the NYT. The reporting soundbites give more credibility to the Trump campaign than is deserved. The lead reads "Our poll shows a nearly even split among voters nationally, with Donald Trump seen as riskier but more potentially transformative and Hillary Clinton seen as safer and more temperamentally suited for the job." The transformation question was designed in a way that gives Mr. Trump a more positive bounce than he otherwise would have. No information was given to the type of transformation we could expect from a Trump presidency. Media can not stand behind faux neutrality to defend coverage that pretends Mr. Trump's brand of transformation is anything but dangerous to millions of voters and others living within our borders.
Misogyny is substituting for the racism of the last two elections. The press would do well to acknowledge the undercurrent of hatred that drives Mr. Trump's campaign. Recently Mr. Trump suggested that his opponent's government provided protection should stand down so that we could "see what happens to her." Earlier Mr. Trump encouraged supporters to rebel against Mrs. Clinton should she be elected. Perhaps the headlines should have read that Mr. Trump is planting the seeds of violence and treason, whose growth will be seen post election. Mr. Trump provided the perfect opening for an article on the dangers portended by his rise. Reporting on the dangers Mr. Trump creates might have been a better service to readers than providing shocking but dangerous soundbites originating with the Republican nominee. For anyone who doubts the role of misogyny in this campaign, watch this disturbing interview with the Trump supporter whose t-shirt reads "Trump that Bitch".
More credible reporting would characterize Mr. Trumps remarks as what they are: divisive and dangerous. Our mainstream media has fallen for the bully's tactics through its coverage. You cannot stop bullies from speaking the outrageous. But you can encourage their escalation through reporting the sensational soundbite slogans while avoiding discussion of the consequences.