Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Boss is the Man...and Ringo, Too!

Apparently Bruce Springstein's decision to cancel his North Carolina concert was the tipping point for Governor McCrory in compromising his position regarding safeguards for the LGBT community.  And in breaking news, Ringo Starr  has done the same.

As reported earlier, North Carolina passed a bill that would protect those who discriminate against those whose sexual identity differs from the purported North Carolina norm.  The Boss' decision came on the heals of Pay Pal and Duetsche Bank's decisions not to expand in North Carolina because of the new law.  Facing millions in lost revenue, Governor McCrory signed an executive order in an attempt to remove the economic backlash.

The Governor restored protections for LGBT state employees and he said that he would ask the legislature to restore the right to sue for discrimination.  But the Governor fell short.  He did not stop implementation of the law's harsh provision that demands people use only the public bathroom that corresponds to the sex assigned at birth. 

Sarah Preston of ACLU (NC) said Governor McCrory's actions today are a poor effort to save face after his sweeping attacks on the LGBT community, and they fall far short of correcting the damage done when he signed into law the harmful House Bill 2, which stigmatizes and mandates discrimination against gay and transgender people.

We will see if businesses are pacified by half-measures.

Economic Justice, Economics, Margaret Drew | Permalink


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