HealthLawProf Blog

Editor: Katharine Van Tassel
Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Ultra (And Nearly Ultra) Locality Rules Persist! Why Continue To Ignore Modern Medicine and Contort The Standard of Care?

Marc Ginsberg (University of Illinois at Chicago), The Ultra (And Nearly Ultra) Locality Rules Persist! Why Continue To Ignore Modern Medicine and Contort The Standard of Care? (2024):

The use of the locality rule to define or modify the medical standard of care is inconsistent with modern medicine.  Nevertheless, various states in the U.S. continue to adhere to a locality rule.  This paper revisits this topic, about which I have previously written, by focusing on Idaho, Nebraska, Tennessee and Arkansas.  The paper concludes by suggesting that locality rules should be eliminated in favor of a national standard of care.

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