HealthLawProf Blog

Editor: Katharine Van Tassel
Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Reforming the Criminal Justice System in Pakistan, An Analytical Study of Recent Judgment of Supreme Court of Pakistan on Mental Health Illness and Mental Disorder

Abdul Samee Sohoo, Reforming the Criminal Justice System in Pakistan, An Analytical Study of Recent Judgment of Supreme Court of Pakistan on Mental Health Illness and Mental Disorder (2023):

The Pakistani state based on three pillars namely legislature, judiciary and executive. This judgment mostly based on three remarkable questions which are milestone for the defining to the mental health illness about how prosecuted and how punished and how such punishment executes on mental health illness person. Supreme court Pakistan creates therapeutic jurisprudential thinking in Pakistan and such jurisprudence developed through different other liberal jurisprudence in our country. In the judgment mostly targeted group is federal government and provisional governments. Supreme Court of Pakistan appoints two amicus curiae one related to medical field and another one related to legal field. This judgment covered vides area of different terminology that’s related to mental health illness. This judgment touches scope and applicability of section 464 and 465 of code. [CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 1898] In the last court gives directions to the government. This judgment creates new jurisprudential thought about mental illness in Pakistan. This judgment develop/adopt new reforms in criminal justice system in Pakistan and to connect us with different modern developed countries.

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