Sunday, September 22, 2013
Call for Papers - Michigan State University Journal of Medicine and Law
The Michigan State University Journal of Medicine and Law invites you to submit an article or manuscript to be considered for publication in our upcoming fall or spring issues. The Journal strives to blend both legal and health care issues and selects articles spanning a wide range of subjects, including but not limited to: e-prescriptions, mental health, healthcare legislation, and battered woman syndrome.
In addition, there are several benefits to publishing with the Michigan State University Journal of Medicine and Law. First, we allow all authors to retain copyright ownership over their articles. Second, as one of very few legal journals in the United States that deal exclusively with medical-legal issues, we are confident that articles published in the Journal have the capability of influencing not only the academic field, but policy-making decisions in courts and legislatures as well.
For submissions, please contact Emily Berris, Chief Editor of Articles for the Journal at [email protected].