HealthLawProf Blog

Editor: Katharine Van Tassel
Case Western Reserve University School of Law

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Saying Goodbye to the Sunshine State

After several years of sun and fun, I am leaving Florida to move back to my home state of Ohio to join the talented faculty at the University of Akron School of Law as a tenured Professor of Law. I am blessed to have made many new friends in Florida and will miss my wonderful colleagues at St. Thomas University.   

With my interest in public health and in the laws that regulate innovative biotechnologies, Akron is the perfect place for me. Biotechnology and life sciences are a top industry in Akron. Nationally known for its innovation in polymers, materials science and medical research, the city is home to a Biomedical Corridor, anchored by top health, education and research institutions, including the University of Akron’s nationally recognized engineering programs in polymers and advanced materials, biomaterials and medical devices, advanced energy, computational science and nanotechnology. 

A particularly exciting group of researchers is working at the Austen BioInnovation Institute of Akron (ABIA) on, among many other projects, a new community-wide collaboration to reduce the impact of chronic disease through the creation of an Accountable Care Community initiative. ABIA, through its Center for Community Health Improvement, is leading this initiative with more than 60 public and private community partners. Based on the initial results, this Accountable Care Community model, which deals holistically with an entire community, may prove to have a greater positive impact on healthcare quality, access and cost than the Accountable Care Organization model which creates healthcare silos within communities.  

I am also looking forward to working on law and science issues with the law school’s Center for Intellectual Property Law and Technology. Nationally respected, the Center administers one of the most comprehensive intellectual property programs in the country, offering over 20 courses in the field. The Center also administers the law school’s Master of Laws in Intellectual Property program and the joint J.D./LL.M. program in intellectual property law. 

I look forward to sharing with you all the exciting developments at Akron Law School as we grow our programs in Public Health Law, as well as in Law and Science and as we collaborate on research efforts with the members of the Akron Biomedical Corridor and the Austen BioInnovation Institute of Akron. 

With best wishes,

Katharine Van Tassel

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Best wishes to you in your new adventure! I attended the University of Tulsa College of Law when Marty Belsky was Dean, and enjoyed his energetic intelligence as well has his commitment to the law community. His support of the health law program at TU is part of that university's ranking improvements, in that the student and faculty achievements have led to greater appreciation of the school.

I hope that your experience will be intellectually and professionally fulfilling.

Posted by: Caroline Abbott | Apr 25, 2012 7:46:35 AM

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