Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Kaiser Updates Resources on Health Coverage and the Uninsured to Include Latest Census Data
An update to the health coverage and the uninsured databases of The Kaiser Family Foundation’s Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured now reflects new data released in September by the U.S. Census Bureau. This update also includes information about the potential impact of the health reform law on the uninsured population. Kaiser's databases include:
The Uninsured: A Primer -- Updated with 2009 data, the Primer reviews the basic profile of the uninsured population, how they receive care, the latest trends in health insurance coverage, key issues in increasing coverage and basic statistics on the uninsured. It also discusses how the new health reform law might affect the uninsured population.
The Uninsured and the Difference Health Insurance Makes -- This fact sheet describes the characteristics of the uninsured population, the difference health insurance makes, and why there is a large uninsured population.
Five Facts on the Uninsured --This issue brief provides basic facts that explain why so many people in America lack health coverage and how being uninsured affects their health and financial security.
The Health Coverage & Uninsured section of the Foundation’s website includes data on the health insurance status of state populations and demographic information for those who are uninsured, have employer-based insurance, or Medicaid, including state-by-state changes in coverage since 2007. The Demographics and the Economy section includes basic information about each state’s residents, including breakdowns of the population by age, gender, race/ethnicity, income and employment.
For all the latest Kaiser research, analysis and information about the uninsured and health reform, consult the Foundation’s Health Reform Source page.