Monday, July 15, 2024
Prashasti Bhatnagar on "The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Leaves Agricultural Workers Behind"
Prashasti Bhatnagar has published The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Leaves Agricultural Workers Behind in volume 52 of the Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics. The conclusion is excerpted here:
Employment conditions contribute to workers’ ability to be healthy, particularly for immigrant pregnant workers. This article highlights how laws like PWFA often do not protect pregnant immigrant workers in the agricultural industry, resulting in health inequities. Advocacy efforts by immigrant workers and grassroots organizations have resulted in some protections, but there are still gaps. Therefore, future efforts geared towards eliminating pregnancy discrimination and the resulting health inequities must center the lived experiences of immigrant workers and understand workplace pregnancy discrimination as an immigrant justice issue. In order to achieve health justice, governments should engage with workers and grassroots organizations to build community power and create systems that invest in joy, well-being, safety, and liberation.