Friday, February 14, 2020
Papers from the Symposium: The 19th Amendment at 100--From the Vote to Gender Equality
The Center for Constitutional Law at the University of Akron School of Law sponsored the conference The 19th Amendment at 100: From the Vote to Gender Equality (including video link of conference).
Here are some of the papers from the conference:
Ellen Carol DuBois, The 19th Amendment at 100: From the Vote to Gender Equality: Woman Suffrage: The Afterstory, 11 ConLawNOW 53 (2020)
Paula A. Monopoli, The 19th Amendment at 100: From the Vote to Gender Equality: The Constitutional Development of the Nineteenth Amendment in the Decade Following Ratification, 11 ConLawNOW 61 (2020)
Jamie R. Abrams & Nickole Durbin, The 19th Amendment at 100: Citizen Soldiers and the Foundational Fusion of Masculinity, Citizenship, and Military Service, 11 ConLawNOW 75 (2020)
Gwen Jordan, 19th Amendment at 100: "We Must Forget Every Difference and Unite in a Common Cause - Votes For Women": Lessons From the Woman Suffrage Movement (Or, Before the Notorius RBG, There Were the Notorious RBGs, 11 ConLawNOW (2020)
Ann D. Gordon, More Pathways to Suffrage, Other Than the 19th Amendment, 11 ConLawNOW 91 (2020)
Reva B. Siegel, The Nineteenth Amendment and the Democratization of the Family, Yale L.J. Forum (Jan. 20, 2020).
Additional papers from the conference are forthcoming in the Akron Law Review.