Wednesday, June 22, 2022
The Legal Medical Marijuana Use Among Family Legal Issues
From The Kansas City Beacon:
Missouri is one of a handful of states that passed a relatively sweeping approval of medical marijuana in recent years, but that does not include family court protections for parents.
Missouri voters passed a constitutional amendment to allow for medical marijuana use, but lawyers say that parents involved in custody disputes and other legal issues can face judgment and criticism over their use of cannabis for medical purposes. A proposal known as LegalMO 2022 would open Missouri’s medical marijuana market to adults for recreational use, but would also address a number of social reforms related to the state’s cannabis law.
LegalMO 2022 would prohibit courts from ordering parents to stop using medical marijuana in order to complete a family court program. It would also prohibit a parent’s status as a medical patient from being used to restrict custodial or parental rights. Adoption, custody or visitation rights would also be protected for medical patients.
Read more here.