Sunday, May 29, 2022

New Rules Change the Eligibility Criteria for Adoption in Singapore

From The Straits Times:

Couples wanting to adopt a child must be married under laws recognised by Singapore under new adoption rules, said Minister for Social and Family Development Masagos Zulkifli. The new laws governing child adoption, passed in Parliament on Monday (May 9), aim to provide more clarity and tighten rules to ensure adoptions are in line with Singapore public policy.

As a matter of public policy, the Government does not encourage planned and deliberate single parenthood as a lifestyle choice. Under the new law, public policy will be taken into consideration when determining a couple's suitability to adopt. The new law also tightens the eligibility criteria to adopt. For example, those convicted of serious crimes such as sexual abuse and drug consumption offences cannot adopt. Also, applicants with stronger ties to Singapore such as Singaporeans and permanent residents will be given priority to adopt.

Under the new rules, prospective adoptive parents must attend a disclosure briefing, which will help them through issues linked to telling a child the truth about his birth. However, adoptive parents are not mandated to tell the child that he is adopted. The new rules will introduce offences and regulatory measures and aim to strike the balance between the interest of the child and the birth parents.

Read more here.

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