Saturday, June 20, 2015

Family Separation and the Children's Voice in the UK

From Family Law: 

Family lawyers and mediators across the country are joining forces with UK charity Kids in the Middle (KITM) to offer valuable support to children experiencing a family break-up.

Featuring a new and expanded website and an extensive national publicity drive, the initiative, in partnership with UK family lawyers and mediators, is designed to create a much expanded and more effective response to the needs and concerns of children caught up in family breakdown.

Duncan Fisher, who is directing the Kids in the Middle campaign, says:

'Support for children and young people in separating families is persistently overlooked in favour of support for parents. The gap between the rhetoric about the importance of children and young people and the reality of their marginalisation is unacceptably wide and our charity has teamed up with a group of leading family lawyers and mediators to redress the balance.'

There are 100,000 children involved in divorce every year in the UK and the majority of children experiencing family separation say they don’t get listened to.

Read more here.

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