Scott Titshaw (Mercer University School of Law) has posted The Meaning of Marriage: Immigration Rules
and Their Implications for Same-Sex Spouses in a World Without DOMA, 16 William
& Mary Journal of Women and the Law, 537 (2010) on SSRN. Here is the abstract:
An estimated 35,000 U.S. citizens are living in our
country with same-sex foreign partners, but these couples have no right to stay
here together on the basis of their relationship. Many of these Americans are
faced with a choice between their partners and the country they love. This is
true even if the couple is legally married in one of the growing number of U.S. states and
foreign countries that recognize same-sex marriage. The Defense of Marriage Act
(DOMA), which defines “marriage” for all federal purposes as an exclusively
heterosexual institution, stands squarely in their way.
Reform options that would help these couples stay together
in the United States include
a judicial determination that marriage discrimination violates the U.S.
Constitution, federal legislation specifically recognizing these couples under U.S.
immigration law, and the repeal or striking down of DOMA. This article focuses
on the latter possibility.
Repealing or striking down DOMA would not necessarily result
in a clear, uniform rule recognizing all same-sex marriages under the
Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). There is, however, a wealth of guidance
about how our immigration system deals with marriages that are recognized in
some, but not all, U.S.
states. This article maps out the legal terrain that would remain in an
immigration world without DOMA.
immigration cases involving marriage validity have been decided in a piecemeal,
case-specific manner. A systematic review of the case law, however, reveals
that U.S.
Attorneys General, the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), immigration
officials, and most federal courts have consistently applied the same standards
to determine marriage validity under the INA.
These standards have been employed in dozens of cases
involving biracial marriage, marriage between close relatives, marriage
involving minors, marriage involving transgender spouses, proxy marriage,
polygamy, and even same-sex marriage before DOMA.
After distilling and describing a three-step test that
embodies the well-established rules for dealing with disputed categories of
marriage, this article applies this analysis to same-sex spouses whose
marriages are recognized by a U.S. state or a foreign country. It identifies some
answers and illuminates possible approaches to a few hard questions that would