Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Ryznar: "International Commercial Surrogacy and its Parties"
Margaret Ryznar has posted "International Commercial Surrogacy and its Parties" (forthcoming John Marshall Law Review) on SSRN. Here is the abstract:
When discussing international commercial surrogacy, it is essential to remember that at the heart of this market are women and children, which requires an in-depth analysis of the issues that implicate these parties to a commercial surrogacy. In undertaking such an analysis, this Article considers the rights, interests, and obligations of these parties to a surrogacy, as well as the various opportunity costs of international commercial surrogacy. This framework is particularly relevant today as India, an international surrogacy hotspot for American couples, begins to legislate on the subject, and relatedly, as American states continue to grapple with issues regarding surrogacy.