Thursday, October 26, 2006
New Jersey Rules on Same-Sex "Marriage"
"New Jersey's highest court on Wednesday guaranteed gay couples the same rights as married heterosexuals, but left it up to state lawmakers to decide if such unions can be called marriage. "Times and attitudes have changed," the New Jersey Supreme Court said in a nuanced 90-page ruling certain to fuel America's culture wars ahead of November 7 elections, when eight states will vote on same-sex marriage laws. Advocates on both sides declared varying degrees of victory and disappointment on the latest twist in a battle that has divided the country over issues of gay culture and morality." Jon Hurdle, Reuters Link to Article (last visited 10-15-06 NVS)
Read the decision: Link to Decision (last visted 19-25-06 NVS)
For a chronology of same-sex marriage developments: Link to Chronology (last visited 10-25-06 NVS)