Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Climate Change and Human Rights - UN Human Rights Consultation

 Last week Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) convened a consultation on the relationship between climate change and human rights in preparation of an OHCHR study on this subject, which is due to be considered by the Human Rights Council at its tenth session in March 2009.  More than 150 representatives of States, Inter-governmental organizations, national human rights institutions and civil society organizations contributed to an engaging and fruitful discussion on the interface between climate change and human rights.

Presentations made by expert panelists are now available on the OHCHR website (Expert Presentations)as well as substantive submissions received for the OHCHR study (Submissions link) .

The Human Rights Council's March 28 2008 resolution 7/23 mandated the OHCHR to conduct an analytical study on the relationship between human rights and climate change, taking into account the views of States, relevant inter-governmental organizations and other stakeholders. The study will be considered by the Council at its tenth session in March 2009. Together with a summary of the Council's debate, the study will be made available to the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

For more information on the OHCHR study, you can visit the OHCHR site (Study details) or contact the Human Rights, Economic and Social Issues Unit, RRDD, OHCHR  (contact: Ulrik Halsteen at e-mail: [email protected]).

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