Friday, March 2, 2007
Forest Service LRMPs Do Not Require ESA Consultation
Forest Guardians v. Forsgren, (C.A.10 (N.M.)) March
1, 2007: Endangered Species - Forest Service had no duty under
Endangered Species Act to consult with Fish and Wildlife Service
regarding Land and Resource Management Plan. The Forest Service had
no duty under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to consult with the Fish
and Wildlife Service on the question of whether the Land and Resource
Management Plans (LRMPs) for national forests could jeopardize the
continued existence of Canada Lynx, which had been listed as a
"distinct population segment" under the ESA. The environmental groups,
which sought to compel consultation, did not allege any activity,
project, or program authorized, funded, or carried out by the Forest
Service that might constitute "action" within meaning of the ESA.