Sunday, July 31, 2005
Environmental Article Hit Parade: SSRN June/July
There are some articles moving up in the hit parade and several new entries on the chart!
Rank Downloads Paper Title
1 223 hits Chevron Step Zero [staying at #1]
Cass R. Sunstein
U. Chicago
2 71 hits Signaling Social Responsibility: [moving from 6 to 2]
On the Law and Economics of Market Incentives for
Corporate Environmental Performance
Jason Scott Johnston
U. Pa
3 40 hits Order without Social Norms: [moving from 8 to 3]
How Personal Norm Activation Can Protect the
Michael P. Vandenbergh
4 34 hits The Scope of Regulatory Bargaining [new]
Jim Rossi
Florida State
5 31 hits Governance of International Institutions: [new]
A Review of the North American Commission for
Environmental Cooperation's Citizen Submissions
David L. Markell
Florida State
6 29 hits Sustainable Development and [new]
Private Global Governance
Douglas A. Kysar
7 28 hits Operational versus Rhetorical Sustainability: [new]
Conflicting Goals, Values and Functions
David Barnhizer
8 24 hits Mustering the Missing Voices: [new]
A Collaborative Model for
Fostering Equality, Community Involvement and
Adaptive Planning in Land Use Decisions, I
Alejandro E. Camacho
Notre Dame
9 23 hits Some Thoughts on Shortsightedness [new]
and Intergenerational Equity
Brett M. Frischmann
Loyola University of Chicago
July 31, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Friday, July 29, 2005
Easterbrook on Energy
Here's a reaction to the Energy Bill from Gregg Easterbrook. Brookings Institute
July 29, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Marine Biodiversity
Evidence indicates that marine predator diversity has declined 10 - 50% in the past 50 years as a result of fishing pressure and changing climate. Link: Global Patterns of Predator Diversity in the Open Oceans -- Worm et al., 10.1126/science.1113399 -- Science.
The NY Times reported, after this post, on the Worm study. It provides a more complete summary. Biodiversity reduced in open oceans
July 28, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
NAS President Cicerone on Climate Change
Ralph Cicerone testified on climate change last week. His testimony is an excellent primer on the subject. Cicerone testimony
July 28, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Old Growth
Science has published a critique of the implementation of the Northwest Forest Plan. Link: FOREST CONSERVATION: Learning to Adapt -- Stokstad 309 (5735): 688 -- Science.
July 28, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
The Science of Global Warming -- who is right about el nino v. la nina?
Earlier this month, I posted a link to the Wara study (published on line before its publication today in Science). The study suggests "permanent" el nino warm ocean currents governed a past era,which had global temperatures in the range we expect during the next century.
Ralph Kerr's note (published in Science today) explains the significance of the Wara study and a previous British study that indicated a permanent la nina cold ocean current governed that geological period.
Fluctuation between el nino and la nina ocean currents drives the global climate regime. So, it is important whether global warming will lead to el nino warm ocean currents or la nina cold ocean currents. The effects of global warming on regional climates greatly depend on whether global warming will be accompanied by el nino, la nina, or fluctuations between the two.
July 28, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
2005 Energy Bill Passed by Congress
Here is a link to the 2005 Energy bill sent to the President. Conference Report. (warning: 1724 pp PDF).
Instant analysis: Summary from About US Politics
Summary from American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
July 28, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
US Fuel Efficiency Headed Wrong Way
EPA embargoed its report on fuel economy while the House and conference committee deliberated on the energy bill. The conference energy bill will soon be headed to the President's desk.
The report, available through the NY Times, indicates that fuel economy for the US fleet of cars and trucks has worsened since the 1980s. The decrease in fuel economy is primarily due to the increased sales of vans, SUVs, and pickups, which now constitute 50% of the cars and trucks sold in the US.
DOT as of 2003 relaxed CAFE standards for trucks from 20.7 mpg for 2005, to 21.0 mpg in 2005, 21.6 mpg in 2006, and 22.2 mpg in 2007. Relaxation of the CAFE standards promises to further decrease overall US fleet fuel economy.
Link: Text of Embargoed E.P.A. Report - New York Times.
July 28, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
"Vision Statement" from Asia-Pacific clean development pact
Here's the text of the vision statement. Link: PIB Press Release.
White House press Fact sheet
BBC Reports on European reaction
July 28, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
U.S. to Join China and India in Climate Pact
The NY Times reports that the US may help form an Asian-Pacific climate change pact including China and India. The US, China and India appear to be ready to offer an alternative to Kyoto. There are no details available about the strategies of implementing latest technology and technology sharing without mandatory limits. Link: U.S. to Join China and India in Climate Pact - New York Times.
July 27, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Resource Management by Injunction
In May, Judge Jim Redden invalidated the biological opinion on operation of the Columbia River hydropower system. In June, he issued a preliminary injunction requiring specific flows (spills) at five Columbia river and Snake river dams to protect fall juvenile chinook salmon. Yesterday, the 9th CIrcuit upheld Judge Redden's issuance of a preliminary injunction. It remanded to Judge Redden the defendants' complaints that the injunction was not narrowly tailored. The 9th Circuit did not reach the merits of Judge Redden's decision on the biological opinion. After decades of recalcitrance by the federal government, Judge Redden seems to have decided that natural resources management by injunction is better than the job that the federal government is doing and the 9th Circuit apparently agrees. Next stop? Link: Ninth Circuit Opinion 0535569.pdf).
July 27, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Monday, July 25, 2005
Weighting in on Whales
In a perspectives and policy article, scientists urge emergency action to protect right whales. The article is accompanied by a wonderful set of links if you are interested in covering whales this year. Link: ECOLOGY: Enhanced: North Atlantic Right Whales in Crisis -- Kraus et al. 309 (5734): 561 -- Science.
July 25, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Risk Assessment - CDC 3rd National Exposure Report
For those of you interested in risk assessment, CDC has issued its 3rd national report on exposure to numerous chemicals. Here is the link to CDC's report. Link: CDC - Third National Exposure Report.
July 25, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
The Legacy of Global Warming
Scientists estimate that the two most recent generations contributed 2/3 of the CO2 emissions that are causing global warming. If emissions stop today, global temperature will rise by .7C in 2100; if they stop in 2025, global temperature will rise by 1.3Cin 2100; if they are held constant in 2025, global temperature will rise 2.6C in 2100. No doubt one of our generation's most enduring legacies. Link: Contributions of past and present human generations to committed warming caused by carbon dioxide -- Friedlingstein and Solomon.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.0504755102
July 25, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Senate Energy Hearings on Global Warming
What to do? Dominici's take home message -- we don't have to do something tomorrow.
Link: Senators Struggle to Act on Global Warming.
July 23, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Time for that African Safari -- Now
The Good New is that something other than environment causes large mammal species to be prone to extinction. The Bad News is that future loss of large mammal biodiversity may be more rapid than we had expected. Link: Multiple Causes of High Extinction Risk in Large Mammal Species -- Cardillo et al., 10.1126/science.1116030 -- Science.
July 21, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Weekly Question: Roberts
Under the category of the obvious: what difference will J. Roberts make on environmental issues likely to reach the Supreme Court?
Comments will be posted if they are e-mailed to me.
My initial take: the biggest difference he will make is in the granting of cert.
July 20, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
European Environmental Organizations Contribute Sustainable Development Strategy
The 10 largest European environmental organizations have presented their suggestions for a revised EU sustainable development strategy. Green 10 Sustainable Development Strategy
July 20, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
EU Commission Resists Further Delay on Environmental Strategies
The EU Commission meeting reports indicate that Environmental Commissioner Stavros Dimas will present a series of environmental strategies after the summer break. Link: Reuters AlertNet - EU Commission to press ahead on environment. The strategies, which are a key component of the current EU environmental program, were due by July 2005. News that the thematic strategies might not be presented due to industry opposition was met by a stronge reaction from ten influential European environmental organizations. Green 10 Letter
The seven thematic strategies involve: air quality, water and the marine environment, sustainable natural resources use, waste, soil, pesticides, and the urban environment. EU information about pending legislation is fragmentary, but these links provide a starting place.
air quality (CAFE)
2001 CAFE proposal
CAFE documents
marine environment
ENDS description
sustainable natural resources use
Assurre description
Assurre description
soil protection
2002 proposal
2005 draft strategy
Assurre on biowaste component
urban environment
2004 proposal
expert working group reports
EEB description (environmental)
Assurre description (industry partnership)
July 20, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)
Environmental Tax Conference
The Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, in conjunction with Vermont Law School and Maasticht University, is hosting the 6th Annual Global Conference on Environmental Taxation on September 22-24, 2005. The conference is an international, interdisciplinary forum to discuss issues involved in the design and implementation of environmental taxes. Environmental Tax Conference
July 20, 2005 | Permalink | TrackBack (0)