Thursday, August 22, 2024
New Article From Professor Richard Kaplan
Read anything written by Professor Kaplan. He's the best. Here is the info he provided about his most recent article:
Analyzing the New Planning Opportunities in SECURE 2.0 for Retirement Plan Participants , 42 Elder L.J. 93-114 (2024). SSRN:
Abstract: This article examines and analyzes six major changes enacted by the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 pertaining to current plan participants in retirement plans. Those changes relate to: (1) increased contribution limits for 60-year-old employees, (2) longevity annuities, (3) charitable gift annuities, (4) long-term care insurance, (5) unused funds in section 529 college savings plans, and (6) emergency withdrawals. These provisions vary considerably in their connection to the principal purpose of employer-provided retirement plans – namely, to finance the retirement of affected employees. But they represent Congressional efforts to address some of the deficiencies in the present tax-subsidized matrix of employer-provided retirement savings plans and may appeal to affected plan participants. In this regard, they continue the pattern of recent years of using pension plans to accommodate an ever-widening array of social initiatives that are related only tangentially, if at all, to providing income when plan participants retire.
Thank you Professor Kaplan for letting us know about this latest article!
August 22, 2024 in Consumer Information, Current Affairs, Federal Statutes/Regulations, Retirement | Permalink