Sunday, November 14, 2021

Equity for Older Adults Webinar

The National Center on Law & Elder Rights has announced a new webinar, Advancing Equity for Older Adults, Part 2: Putting Strategies into Practice, scheduled for Wednesday December 1, 2021 at 2 eastern.

This is a follow up to the first webinar, Advancing Equity for Older Adults, Part 1: An Introduction to Advancing Equity in Legal and Aging Services, presented on October 28th. It is not necessary to have attended the first training, but attendees are encouraged to watch the recording for an introduction to equity and racial justice for older adults. This webinar will apply principles and strategies to effectively advance equity in legal and aging services. Presenters from legal assistance and elder rights programs will describe the steps they have taken to center equity, with a focus on race equity, in their work, as well as lessons learned and promising practices for staffing, process, and evaluation. Attendees will receive actionable steps they can take and will learn about tools that advocates can incorporate in their own work to advance equity for older adults and serve those with the greatest social and economic need. Panelists will share their experience and will be available to answer questions from the audience.

To register for this webinar, click here.

Part 1 of the training is available here.

Consumer Information, Current Affairs, Discrimination, Programs/CLEs, Webinars | Permalink